
Xero price increase

Earlier this month Xero announced their prices will increase from 12 September 2024.

For those on Starter plans prices will increase to £16 a month (+£1 from current pricing), Standard plans will be £33 a month (+£3), Premium will be £47 a month (+£5), and Ultimate will be £59 a month (+£4).

Alongside this Xero is simplifying their plans to allow greater access to the tools they provide to run your business efficiently. These new plans, called Ignite, Grow, Comprehensive and Ultimate will be introduced from 12 September and you will be moved over to them by March 2025. More information on these new plans can be found here.

Get in touch with Jane Bull if you want to know more about how this could impact you.

Source: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 13:09:45 +0100